While my white pantry could use another coat of paint, work took it out of me today so I turned to a painting with a bit more colour.
Drawing outline in waterproof ink
This drawing was part of an exercise for Sketchbook Skool. Our tutor had us go outside so what better place for me than the roof of the building I work in. It has panoramic views of Auckland City, the harbour and is brilliantly sunny on a cloudless day.
I love a good strong shadow.
Sometimes when we can, we go upstairs to sit on the deck to eat lunch or just soak up some rays. We're pretty lucky to have such a lovely place in such an (otherwise) grotty building. When I draw people - which I don't do as often as I could to get better at it - I especially love backlighting and foreshortening. Catherine's long legs and her back to the sun qualified for my drawing preferences; along with the amazing backdrop of buildings and railings, I thought this scene looked great.
Swimming watercolour pigment across the paper