
Hi there - my name is Michelle and this is my blog: thejamjar.com

I live in Auckland, New Zealand but I was born in the Bay of Plenty and raised in Taranaki. I am divorced and live with my ex-husband. My three adult children are carving out lives of their own here in Auckland. I have a daughter-in-law, a fiancé-in-law, five grandchildren, two cats, and a Bernina Q24. That’s enough for about twenty blog posts right there, I reckon.

The Jamjar is my personal, long suffering blog. It puts up with my blog surges: unpredictable hiatuses, frequent obsessions, petty annoyances, and the distinct lack of niche content - yup, I’m all over the place with what I write about.

I’ve been blogging since before that was even a word. I’ve had a couple of people tell me they started their blogs after reading mine and deciding “Well that doesn’t look particularly difficult” and “If she can do it, hells let’s give it a go!”

My blogging has made for a richer life and lead me to meet some incredible people. I have a small and incredibly loyal clutch of readers whom I love with all my heart.

Having a blog has meant I’ve done things, gone places, and learned things I don’t think I would have without starting out with the intention of telling you about them. I’ve learned a lot of technical stuff too: servers and databases, video and audio, improved my photography and writing in general - my work emails are pretty flipping sweet these days!

I’m an Urban Sketcher and member of the Auckland Chapter. There might be a bit more about that here as I get ready to go to Poznan, Poland for the Urban Sketching Symposium after being lucky enough to get a ticket - one of only three in NZ to do so.

A blog is one of the best backbones a person can have in their life’s toolbox. My blog remembers things I’ve forgotten - which is happening more and more these days.


If you’d like to say hi you can do that in the comments of any blog post or through the Contact form - that shoots an email straight to me. I’m also a fan of Twitter as well as having substantial crushes on Instagram and YouTube.

Fox and I have been corresponded via weekly videos in 2018 and you can watch on the Monaco Video on YouTube.