Rest in Peace, PJ

Pat and Eva Lawlor

My Grandad died on Friday 8 June 2012. He was in his ninety-sixth year.

Even though he's had cancer for more than a decade - becoming increasingly frail over the last few months; needing more and more physcial care - I still thought he'd be around for weeks, even a couple more months. 

But no, he died on Friday. Peacefully, without pain, without struggle and surrounded by the darling people who have cared for him all these last months.

We buried him on Thursday, and now we carry on without him in our lives.

My mother has had the priviledge of a father for over 70 years. I have had the luxury of a Grandfather for nearly 50 years. My children, a Great Grandfather, and her children a Great, Great Grandfather.

Not a lot of families can say that. We were very lucky.