The Jamjar

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30 questions and answers

1. Who are you named after?
No one, I don't think. Just a very popular name in the ‘60s. My mother wanted to call me Cushla, but there was another mother in the ward who named her baby Cushla so Mum picked another name for me.

2. Last time you cried?
In Bali, at the airport - which was a couple of years ago now. Sad movies don't count, right? because if they do it would have been whenever Beth dies in all the times I've watched Little Women (spoiler alert)

3. Do you like your handwriting?
Sometimes. I can do better than I do, but if I take my time it's okay.

4. What is your favourite meat?

5. Longest relationship?
With Greg - still going but god knows what it is.

6. Do you still have your tonsils?
Yup. ! always got inflamed tonsillitis as my go-to illness but no one ever took them out to stop that recurring nightmare.

7. Would you bungee jump?

8. What is your favourite cereal?
Sanitarium Honey Puffs

9. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
Hardly ever.

10. Do you think you’re strong?
I'm kind of strong. I'm definitely stronger than I was a year ago.

11. Favourite ice cream?
Orange chocolate chip

12. What is the first thing you notice about a person?
Their smile

13. Football or rugby?
What's on the other channel?

14. What colour trousers are you wearing?
Denim blue

15. Last thing you ate?
Egg and spinach omelette

16. What are you listening to?
Slow Japanese Indie Folk playlist on YouTube

17. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
That strange pinky-fleshy-coloured one no one ever uses.

18. What is your favourite smell?
Freshly cut limes; freesias.

19. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
SkyTV - trying to sell me their service.

20. Hair colour?
Blonde and grey with dark roots (not on purpose)

21. Eye colour?

22. Favourite foods to eat?
Summer warmed Watermelon! Kapiti Marshmellows! Chicken Korma!

23. Scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies with happy endings.

24. Last movie you watched?

25. What colour shirt are you wearing?
Jeans, shirt and hoody. And slippers.

26. What is your favourite holiday?

27. Beer or wine?

28. Night owl or morning person?
A night owl with aspirations of being a morning person

29.  If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
Anywhere my kids are.

30. Favourite day of the week?
It used to be Tuesday – but it has become one of the longest days of the week during #lockdown (6 weeks and counting) I think Saturday is my favourite now. For all the reasons you’d expect it to be.

From Meetmeatmikes