So, we're blogging now, are we?

Today I tried a lot harder to be positive and keep a grip on my patience. I think I did okay.

I had this great quote to share with you but now I’ve forgotten the exact wording of it - so let me paint the picture and at it might come back to me. I was at work, talking positively and kindly about a person who I generally feel neither way about. The person I was talking to gave me the side-eyes and I exclaimed “What?? I’m being nice!!” to which he said (this is the bit I forgot but it went something like “Stop it, it doesn’t suit you.”

Maybe that was it.

Stop it; it doesn’t suit you

The few weeks left in my work year are stretching out and filling up with loads of work and tasks and appointments and commitments and of course, they are: it’s DECEMBER! Remember how everyone has to get stuff finished by Christmas? and there are more social events? and the weather is unpredictable? and you’re tired?

Yeh, all those things.

So blogging hasn’t changed around here in 20 years. Still full of moaning and groaning without any context or specifics.

It’s because I’m tired!

Do you get that way? after a year of working, does it creep up on you and it’s a crawl to the end of the year?

I listened to one of the Design Matters podcasts by Debbie Milman - Fox reminded me of this podcast. Good on ya, mate. I listened to a couple one after the other so I’m not sure what this came from (noticing a pattern here?) people are either flames or drains.

No, that wasn’t it.

People are either radiators or drains.

Currently, I am a drain. Draining energy from everyone (including you) like an energy vampire.