Is this what Seasonal affective disorder feels like?
Listening to
My iTunes songs starting at A and working through to Z. It’ll take me a while because about half my albums are classical music. Many years ago I bought one in a compilation of classic music and enjoyed it so much, I had to own all of them so: now I do but it does weird things to my music shuffle #sortOutYourPlaylists
Game of Thrones: kinda. I really like the series but have no sense of urgency when it comes to catching up on the latest episodes. I’m up to Episode 4 of Series 6. If I just knuckled down one Sunday - like today for instance - I could’ve caught up but no: I had to watch old, not particularly interesting episodes of The Big Fat Quiz or whatever the heck that show is called #timeWaster
Man I wish I could wrangle my concentration to stick to one book before starting another. Funnily enough the app Blinklist doesn’t really hold my attention either! I feel like I don’t have time to read but that’s not true. I have SO MUCH time, plenty of organisational skills, and a ton of books I’d like to read #ownWorstEnemy
Food! well I gave meal-prep a go last Sunday and it really helped with meals during the work week. Of course I proved it worked, I enjoyed doing it and was helpful so I didn’t do it again this week #typical
Working on
Getting back on to the public transport system. I’ve been driving my car to work ever since I got my license back earlier this year. I park in our office building’s car park and it’s by far the most expensive parking offered in the University. Plus it’s a ecologically poor choice to be a sole occupant of a car choking up the motorways just because I can’t get my butt out the door to jump on one of the many publicly available modes of transport into the city. I could save money, save milage on my car, stop contributing to Auckland’s traffic woes and air pollution if I just got my butt out the door 15 minutes earlier of a morning #firstWorldBrat
Thinking about
How time flies, and how much there is to do, and how much there is I’d like to do, and how if I just did what I committed to I’d have a very rich and satisfying life so why the flip do I always want to start new things? #awaysBeStarting
A sense of cynical disbelief. We’ve been under pending restructure at work. It’s been on the table since October last year. That’s a long time not knowing what’s going on. In the beginning I was hopeful - it felt like a life-line; like a rescue. But after all this time of no information the cynic in me doesn’t believe anything’s going to change and I feel worn down by the waiting. Thank goodness I have a colleague who has more resilience than I do. I cling to his optimism that something is going to change - the change has to happen and it will be the lifeline we’re hoping for. Spring is a time for new growth - it would be fantastic to start the new year with hope and direction and working with and for people who give a shit #fingersCrossed
“Wherever you are, be there totally. If you find your here and now intolerable and it makes you unhappy, you have three options: remove yourself from the situation, change it, or accept it totally. If you want to take responsibility for your life, you must choose one of those three options, and you must choose now. Then accept the consequences.”