Webstock 2015

Earlier I suggested that words would come to accompany my photographs once I'd got my excitement under control. Well I think that the metric tonne of pasta I had for dinner has calmed (or buried) my excitement, I don't have any words that aren't soaked in marinara sauce - so here are a couple of photos from today - a lovely day catching up with Josh and enjoying the gorgeous Wellington evening.

This is me flying to Wellington for Webstock

This is me flying to Wellington for Webstock

I love that on the plane we can keep our 'lightweight' mobile devices on so long as they're in flight mode - that means I can take photos out the window and not incur the potential growling.

I love that on the plane we can keep our 'lightweight' mobile devices on so long as they're in flight mode - that means I can take photos out the window and not incur the potential growling.

The whole North island is very brown - we could use some rain. gotta love those rippling ranges and jade-green water.

The whole North island is very brown - we could use some rain. gotta love those rippling ranges and jade-green water.

Free music in the park with a great turnout of families eating dinner and listening to sea shanties (who even knew?) before the main act.

Free music in the park with a great turnout of families eating dinner and listening to sea shanties (who even knew?) before the main act.

Main act: the one, the only Wellington international ukulele orchestra.

Main act: the one, the only Wellington international ukulele orchestra.

Wellington sparkles

Wellington sparkles

Home to find my fridge stocked with breakfasty goodness.

Home to find my fridge stocked with breakfasty goodness.

Webstock 2015 tomorrow. I'm now referring to it as my "religious holiday" and not even joking.