Kick off 2015 with useful courses

Going with the gusto associated with idea of a clean slate, I’ve been looking for useful online courses to learn new things and challenge myself in January 2015.

Not sure about your start to the new year, but typically for me I have a little extra time. Work is busy but not consuming, and the warm weather means longer days to get more done.

If you’re making resolutions about organisation, creativity, or fitness, some of these links might be useful and help you get your groove on and kick learning new things off in the new year:

Get organised:

Get creative:

Get challenged:

Get moving:

Some of these courses and challenges kick-off on January 1st so if you're quick, you can still sign up and start tomorrow. Others are self-paced and you can start your learning at any time.

I'll let you know how I go with my January Cure and Sketchbook Skool courses as they unfold over the next month. Have you signed up for anything online or in your local community? Do you feel the urge to start and try new things with the new year? Let me know if any of your resolutions involve learning new things.

*Didn't realise how out-of-date was - there's some good info there and a lot of the walks in your region are valid - but most of the dated posts are from 2013 which is a real shame.