
I look at you and I wonder how you ever got this far in life, you fucking dipshit.

I look at you and I wonder how you can stomach yourself, given the way you treat people. You arsehole.

I look at you and I wonder how you can be so lacking in confidence given all the physical assets you have been gifted.

I look at you and wonder how you don't know how completely fucking brilliant you are.

I look at you and think about how you've grown into this being so completely capable of being a wonderful human being. Despite everything.

I look at you and I marvel at all the things you are good at and so proud of what you've decided, for now, you're going to concentrate on. My hero.

I look at you and wonder how you can't see what is right in front of your face. Get real.

I look at you and wonder how you can be okay given she's with him. Let go.

I look at you and think about how you threw what we had away on a dishonest whim. You made a huge mistake.

I look at you and I thank god I have more sense than that. It's pure luck, really.

I look at you and realise I can change but you will never be more than you are because you are stuck in the world where you are right regardless of advice or data or experience to the contrary. Loser.

I look at you and realise - no one respects a damn thing you say. You will die alone.

I look at you and know it's your round. Make mine a double.

I look at you and know that no matter what shit you have to put up with from me, you understand that I love you. You have my blood.

I look at you. I see you. Get used to it.
