
Half way through the Chopped Rod & Custom show weekend, my dSLR failed. Out in the field and given my basic lack of knowledge, I assumed my 6 year old, 1 gigabyte memory card had finally failed. Upon arriving back in Melbourne and purchasing a new memory card, I deduced it wasn't the card that was the problem: it was the camera.

You can call me Sherlock, if you like.

I've missed the camera a little bit since it ceased functioning - but no-where near enough to make me think that if it's unfixable, I'll be buying a new one.


While attending a digital photography course a few months ago I sat amongst owners of much newer cameras - their view screens the biggest give-away - the diagonal measurement in plural while mine is not much bigger than a Christmas postage stamp: practically useless when coupled with my rapidly deteriorating eyesight. During that course I came to a quiet, settled place about my old camera. I stopped feeling I needed a new Nikon. I found peace with my D70 - happy to see it come with me into my dotage.

Of course I have cameras - they're nearly all film cameras save for my iPhone. And most importantly of all - I have a Lomo LC-A+ with a wide angled lens and that, gentle reader, is about the coolest thing I've bought in a very long time - and I haven't even developed any film from it yet. But I know - I just know - that it's "The One".

I would take a photo of it for you if I had a digital camera to photograph it with. I may have some photos from it to show you in the coming weeks though.

Life will go on

The thing about film is that it's not instant. I know you know that but I'm repeating it to emphasise the fact I have to wait for my photos - and sometimes a long wait because I use LabX in St Kilda to process mine. It's a 40 minute tram ride away and I like to have a clutch of films to make the trip worthwhile. LabX is also sympathetic to Lomo, Holga and pin-hole photographers so don't find it odd that someone might shoot on positive (slide) film but want it developed as (ordinary) negative film.

The other thing about film not being instant is that when I want to include a photo with a blog post, such as this one, it's a bit more difficult.

Acceptance and Hope

I'm dropping the Nikon off this week to be diagnosed and, hopefully, fixed. Let's also hope that it doesn't cost more than it's worth to fix it either or I might call digital a day and just stick with film.