Band: Subnormal

I haven't seen much in the way of live music since coming to Melbourne, so was pleased to go to Public Bar in North Melbourne last night to see Subnormal. I thought they were really good, and I enjoyed their set. I'd definitely go and see them again.

During the evening, I composed a kick-ass blog post about the evening - but then I drank too much I have forgotten all the words and have a headache instead.

Subnormal's drummer reads The Jamjar, and had mentioned the gig. I found him afterwards and said hi. He introduced me to a couple of his friends and I hung out with them. Which, apart from being fun, also saved me from having to deal with the European Guy I'd met while buying a beer.

European Guy: You're beautiful.
Me: *eyebrows* me?
European Guy: Yes, you're beautiful.
Me: ah, thank you.
European Guy: You look beautiful in red.
Me: *nodding* red'll do that for a girl
European Guy: Ooo you're really beautiful *wrapping his arms around me and squeezing me close*
Me: *peeling him off me* thanks but no touching, buddy.
European Guy: *taking my hand and kissing it* ooo but you're so beautiful
Me: yeh so you said *taking my hand back* but no touching.
European Guy: you should do something about your weight
Me: *eyebrows* really?
European Guy: yes, you should do something about it
Me: do something like.. put more weight on?
European Guy: no no no you should start running or something.
Me: Well, I think that's such a good suggestion, I think I'll start right now *leaves*