Sore teeth and tuk tuks

I was going to go up to Rutherglen this weekend to see Meg (hi Meg), but cancelled due to what I thought was a cold. Man I woke up with *such* a sore throat, and all the symptoms of a head cold but it turned out to be a very cantankerous wisdom tooth. OMg. I'm still not right.. all the flipping antibiotics and Nurophen made me feel really sick too - I'm such a delicate creature. who knew??

I was awake and in pain all night Thursday with this stupid tooth but managed to get an appointment with a local dentist on Friday afternoon. I wanted somewhere close as I wasn't feeling up to organising any complicated public transport, and this dentist was just a couple of blocks walk away. I got there, early (who else would be so keen to get to the dentist) and he saw me straight away (pale and fragile looking = me) and took xrays and determined that my tooth was too complicated to extract himself and I would have to see a specialist in the city. Fair enough, I'm a complicated person. 

So, I stood at the reception desk waiting for him to write the letter to the specialist and figure my bill, when I felt a bit strange: kind of cold and hot at the same time and as I was thinking I might sit down - next thing I know, I was -on the coffee table - across the other side of the room. I've never fainted before in my life and had always thought if I did, I would sink into a graceful heap not throw myself bodily across a dental reception, slamming into a wall and landing on the coffee table. but there I was, sat and woke up with three very concerned people gathered around me and all i could think was "thank god I didn't break the coffee table" (i may be a fragile bird but I weigh the same as a baby elephant) I sat for a while feeling quite stupid and trying not to get annoyed with the dentist saying that my nerves got the better of me, when in fact it was the pain and lack of sleep *actually*. I made my way unsteadily home and plonked myself back into bed for the rest of the weekend. 

Today my tooth/gum still hurts but no where near as badly. I haven't phoned the specialist because I start my 4 week contracted work on Monday and I can't take time off to have a tooth extracted (three days, apparently) so I'll make an appointment for July and hope it doesn't flare up again until then. 

Speaking of medical adventures: did you hear about Simon? I only ask because maybe you did.. maybe I told you.. maybe greg phoned *everyone* cos he can't keep a secret. But simon spent three weeks in Thailand recently, sending me emails saying things like "Mum, i'm in big trouble, I've managed bail but you have to call me urgenly! oh and PS: Chapelle Corby says hello" little mongrel he is.. well he did end up getting into trouble.. the drinking kind of trouble only  boys can manage. Seems he was out and drinking loads and quite drunk (which is unusual for Simon cos he usually talks too much to drink enough to get drunk) and took a tuktuk home to his hotel. the story goes that the tuktuk didn't stop where it was sposed to so, instead of saying "I say, driver, would you mind *awfully* stopping, as you've driven past my stop." he decided to just.. get off.. the tuk tuk.. I can understand that, the road looks like if you just run a bit you could get off a ride no problem - I know this because it's a problem when using workshop machinery that you think you can touch it and then you nearly lose your hand.. but I thought that was just me, but it seems my son is genetically predisposed to stupid behaviour as well - i blame his father. 

So Simon leapt from the tuk tuk which, btw, was travelling at about 30 mph, and thank good, his head broke his fall.  I say that because the thickest bones in Simon's body are in his head - some of which, now, are fractured though, and he is off work and going for his second CT scan today. He's very lucky his head didn't watermelon all over that asian street. He has whiplash, fractures and a few nerve problems that they hope (they being nz doctors) will come right over time. He has 6 weeks off work and has become hyperactive and annoying on the medicine they've given him... yes.. even *more* hyperactive and annoying.. now *that* is hard to imagine. 

But he's fine, given all that. And I'm fine, thanks for asking.