On-the-spot Report

Hi there - blogging from the Intermediate Microsoft Excel course here in sunny downtown Auckland (exact location undesclosed due to security - you really can't know where I am at any given time because I AM NINJA)

So far, the day has been excel-ent (see what I did there?) We looked at charts, colouring-in charts, making 3-D charts - I finally understand why this stuff floats my sister Jo's boat so much.

Currently, we are waiting for the stragglers to come back from lunch so we can get back into the whole "pretending we know maths by following the formula exercises" part of the programme. Apparently, serving sausages to the hoards at lunchtime causes a rift in the time/space continum and we've lost about a third of the class.

Okay.. so steaming along with sorting data and calculating mortgage repayments. Ms Stacey was shocked to learn the repayments vs the loan amount over 30 years was "highway robbery" - she's thinking of never leaving home. I'm sure her parents are pleased.