'The Office' remake could be

'The Office' remake could be Pitt's

Brad Pitt has emerged as the unlikely favourite to take on Ricky Gervais' role as David Brent in a US remake of British television series The Office, ananova.com reports.

[insert stunned expression]

Today is the World Premiere of Return of the King at the Embassy Theatre [after a huge renovation project] in Wellington.

Rosie and her sister are amongst the throngs of people gathering for the Premiere Parade.
She txt'd me earlier to say "deomographics of fans on parade route, 5 hrs prior to parade: 90% < 20 yrs old, 80% female". It sounds as if the Hobbit girls have staked out their space on the route and have dug in for the long haul, conserving their strength for when Pippen and the rest of the boys walk past.

From what I can see, or not see actually - most of the inner city webcams have become inaccessible due to heavy demand and high internet traffic are available some of the time. This one has a great view and is still updating approximately every 15 minutes. Can you see Rosie?

OMG did she even LOOK in the mirror before leaving the hotel this morning??
[Rosie at the Parade thanks to Jonathan's keen eyesight]