From: Colleen Sent: Tuesday, July

From: Colleen
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 10:09 AM
To: Michelle
Subject: RE: Timesheets

Answers to your questions :



-----Original Message-----
From: Michelle
Sent: Tuesday, 23 July 2002 09:20
To: Colleen
Subject: RE: Timesheets

i have a few questions:

where are you going?
when are you back?
will you be buying me any presents?
why not?


-----Original Message-----
From: Colleen
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 9:01 AM
To: Jim; Diana; Frazer; Michelle; Rose; Jon; Pene; Debbie
Subject: Timesheets

Morning All,

As I will be away next week, Diana will be putting the project hours up on the board. In order to provide her with adequate training, the update will take place tomorrow instead of Thursday. So for this week only, please complete your timesheets at the end of today (or first thing tomorrow morning) and as usual on Friday.

Please see me if you have any further questions.