James had a theory, the

James had a theory, the last time I tried his Chocolate Vodka I was queasy on the ferry-ride home because I didn't drink enough of the cool syrupy mixture. I just needed to drink more to get me over that squeamish bump. Was he right? No he wasn't. 6 hours, two chocolate vodkas and a number of beers later I konked out at home. Its like slow release drunkedness. It must be the chocolate.. it has to be the chocolate. I'm never drinking chocolate again!

Surprisingly enough, I was up early Saturday morning - seemed my body screamed for breakfast after the famine of the night before. I had an appointment to have my hair cut and was determined not to be late. Unfortunately, they were, so my appointment ran long and only left with a small margin of time to get into town to see the matinee of RNZB's Hunchback of Notredame I had Greg drop us off in town. Amy and I had wonderful seats at The Civic. she hadn't been there before and fell in love with the place with wide-eyed wonder. It's just so magical there, colourful and beautiful. Swan Lake (in May) and Carmen (in December) are being danced at the ASB Theatre in the Aotea Centre, which is a bit of a shame, cos it's so scrumptious at the Civic. But we'll still be going.

So Saturday was long but good, and Saturday night was quiet and good. Sunday was slow and lazy. Coming to work this morning and opening my diary made me realise Sonia's Housewarming the night before had completely gone from my brain and I had missed it. I need to co-ordinate my atwork diary with my athome diary (oh heres an idea mish.. use ONE DIARY).

Its blustery here in Auckland today. Its getting cooler on the Ferry rides and the sun is lower in the sky. Winter is on its way - the days are shorter and the nights are getting cooler. Summer seems to have gone quickly this year.
