Another new month. They keep

Another new month. They keep rolling 'round, don't they?

Suffering restrained pedestrian rage today at the silly scruffy people (I don't care what the fashion is, those denim dresses look terrible) getting in my way.

First day of the Challenger Series of the America's Cup. Lots of activity on the water today, big boats going out to the races, little boats, America's Cup boats, Ferries. Busy busy water. Then all coming back in again later in the day. The results are posted online so you can see how everyone is going. I need to find a team to back during the Louis Vuitton so I can cheer on a team. One of our New Americans in the office, Patrick, let out a quiet "whoo hoo" on seeing Stars and Stripes won it's match today - we can't have that kind of carryon in the office without contest.

Rosie and I were going to see the Crocodile Hunter tonight, but for some odd reason the session is so early we couldn't make it - 4:50pm is too early to finish work in these times of transition. We'll both start early tomorrow and get to that session though - we're determined to see this movie. I think we're the only Steve Irwin fans in this building.

I had my first Subway sandwich today: a 6" Roast Chicken Sub. It was okay. But getting it wasn't so okay - not that it was a disaster or anything just what I was asked for and the order it was made didn't match so I worried that they'd misheard me. They hadn't but I had to check. Rosie, Jonathan and I sat down by the water and ate our subs. It was nice to find a seat down there, normally you end up sitting on the concrete, and while that's okay for the first ten minutes, the novelty wears off pretty quickly.

Fragile Times - I think I'm exhausted. I say I've lost the will to live and I think that's exactly right. Roll on Christmas Holidays.

"Are you having fun?"
"No. I didn't think that was the object of the exercise"
"Oh, yes, it is!"

well yeh, of course it is and yes, usually I am. And I guess any minute now, I will be again. *sets a matching deadline* November 1st. Lets go.