I am out of sorts, off track, listless, rambling, wandering, pointless, procrastinating, wasting time - like you wouldn't believe!
Here it is nearly 3pm on a gloriously sunny Saturday and all I have managed to do is wash my hair. I was up early but went back to bed, not because I was particularly tired, but because I didn't want to do anything.
I am looking at fridges - which is nuts. Why am I looking at these appliences when buying a secondhand one would be less than a third of the price. *keeps looking* and the washingmachines. I could buy a washing machine, a dryer AND a refrigerator for the price of a medium sized fridge *keeps looking* they do look nice though. and i love having things delivered. O o o o look.. a DVD/CD system. *keeps looking* I need to get a Fly Buys card.. that's a card that accumulates airpoints with every dollar you spend. *keeps looking* I hate shopping. It takes up too much of my money *keeps looking* Fax machines are dumb. Pointless crappy plastic things they are. *stops looking*
No one is here. No one. Adam's still away. Actual's rafting. Joanne is offline doing her assignment (we hope), Kristy must be doing weekendystuff too, CB is .. well I don't know where he is. I can't get home in time to see Amhere. Sander is still in America. Freya and Mike are living their Australian lives. I need to go pick up my gas bottle and fresh bread and milk instead of sitting here whinging. I did have a point to writing today but it's slipped my slippery brain.
There is a big All Black rugby match on today, the Bledisloe Cup. Seems everyone is wearing black and transporting themselves to venues to watch the event. It's being held in the new sports stadium in Wellington. I just can't 'get' rugby. I love cricket but rugby just, has no hook for me. Maybe if Luca Vittori played rugby it'd be better for me but then he might be hurt so he can just stick to bowling cricket balls.
I have the University short listed courses and seminars. Trying to figure which one's I'll do to keep off the streets. I was contemplating learning Italian but they all started during July, so I'm too late for that. There are some interesting financial and business ones that would be very sensible to take. The art ones have interested me, as usual. The bookbinding is tempting me as is the Summer Art School List. Linux Coaching? Overview of Modern Astronomy might be a nice change of pace. A writing workshop'd help me a LOT seeing as I can't. I'm enrolling in the Life Class anyways, even if I don't do anything else. The patchwork has been plugged into Thursday evenings again. Thankgoodness. I have missed it. I might see about gettting into the book binding class, i have something cooking on my brainbackburner that involves patchwork and dying, printing and binding, but it hasn't taken form yet but it's been brewing for over a year. I love how my brain is independant of my mind. Saves me a lot of work.
Are you like that? Who is like that? the layers of my brain have little projects that evolve independant of me really thinking of them. There is vague ideas at the bottom-most layers. As they take form and require detail, they perculate to the upperlayers where I finally notice them. Once they are that high in the layers they are almost fully formed and I can use my hands to create the tangible. It's hard to articulate. No wonder I have trouble sleeping sometimes, perculation is a noisey business.