Life Classes started again tonight. I can't even remember the last time I attended the Selwyn College class. Susie was there but only for tonight, she is handing her tutoring to another woman so that's nice for a change. Ron came with me, so I had company which was nice. Although I scuttled off home fairly quickly (habit more than anything) I think we might try for a drink afterwards. That'd be nice, huh.
Quentin emailed me today. It has to be 4-6 months since I heard from him. And it was really really nice hearing from him again.
I went to my lawyers this morning. Primarily to sign the separation papers, but also to drop the documents for the divorce and to write my will. I misted up. I've been a bit like that lately. I can't say that I am sad or depressed, just - it's the idea of death and not even the dying part of death but the leaving-behind part of death and those joyous feelings I have associated with that whole area. It doesn't help that I am reading "Shadow in Tiger Country" by Louise and Tim Arthur. A very inspirational and moving last year of Louise's battle against cancer. Tim reminds me of Adam in some ways. Unusual that I am reading this 'type' of book too, no exploding helicopters or spaceships on the front. Could I be showing signs of adulthood here *gasps* surely not. Or maybe I just need this. To feel things again. Not that I haven't been feeling things but there was a time in the past when I went through a very long time of honestly not feeling anything but neutral. That wasn't good or healthy and I have remedied the situation so don't worry. [it was well before your time anyway, in fact, it was you who brought helped me back].
Today was gloriously sunny. Cold in the corners but warm in the sunshine. It was a skip-in-your-step kind of day. Well, on the inside. The forecast is for another cold snap this week. I would love there to be a place to sit in the sun around work somewhere. Just to sit and close my eyes face turned to soak up the rays. Rachelle mentioned a Park nearby, we need to go find it. PLUS, we are going bowling at lunchtime sometime this week to help us cope with the 'stress' of work. We need to giggle and not think about every-little-thing.