It's Thursday -- Stars Day -- I enjoy the realastrology site, but I also use it (posting out stars) as an excuse to poke people with an email. Did you ever notice that? That maybe you think "thursday? michelle" is it stuck in your minds yet? And sometimes do you think, "Thursday? where are my stars? they havent arrived yet? michelle. " *heh* I actually didn't start the Stars thing with a plan but it seems it's turned out that way.
Today it's warm.
Yesterday was horrible for a number of reasons. One or two of them personal, yes, even too personal for you *poke* to hear about. The other reasons revolved around school.. revolved around Flash.. I got lost and could follow the tutorials. Thanks to Stephen I have a nice page of tutorials online to help me and they do *s* CrazyRaven -- go see and learn stuff.
We also had another exam. We have them quite often. They require 100%, and yesterday's was on sound, it was difficult. I see I wasn't the only one who found it difficult.. we have a school trip next week to a recording studio to brush up on our MIDI (or lack thereof) skills. Ross said we were all a bit dodgey with our knowledge. We have another exam tomorrow, this time Law -- copyright and censorship. We have covered copyright in class but not censorship so I am expecting to not do overly well in this area either.
Overall, this week has been nice - - especially the evenings.
I won't mention panicing about the course coming to a close.