Walks like a duck.. interacting with the Higgs

I don't have a bunch of time right now - and will expand on this in the weekend. In the mean time, check out the video of Professor Brian Cox talking about the discovery by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) of a particle that has all the characteristics of the Higgs boson. Check out the related videos too, they're all really interesting.

BBC: Higgs boson-like particle discovery claimed at LHC

Great day in Science people!

Jamie Oliver & Instagram

It's no secret round these parts, that I'm a total Jamie Oliver fangirl. I love everything he does, but most especially, the way he uses the internet. Sure, he has a digital team to do the heavy-lifting, but he's as passionate about connecting with his audience through technology as he is about his books, television shows, and restaurants.

His tweets and posts, and most especially his photos, are infused with a genuine passion, honesty and emotion - all the things that make living in those spaces successful for both him as a content creator, and us as content consumers. Plus, he just loves this stuff. 


BMTB & Food.tv

Right after I got back to New Zealand, Melissa and Courtenay invited me to help them revamp their Baking Makes Things Better (BMTB) website.  It's a really great blog: updated regularly and often, with beautiful pictures and delicious recipes. I'm not the only one who thinks so - food.tv also noticed these hardworking, passionate bloggers and have formed a relationship that benefits both television and internet audiences.

Here's the advert that runs on food.tv for the blog:

Well done BMTB! Keep on keeping on :)