Best of both worlds?

A couple of months ago I said:

"I have decided not to get a job: not to get a 'proper' job. In saying that, to you, and to myself, I hesitate; stumble; run away; come back; twist my toe in the dirt; blush; worry; doubt; cringe; set off fireworks in my heart; reach for my CV. No, I'm not sure but yes, I am sure." (whole blog post)

See that bit where I say I was cringing and stuff? I would turn every day. One day I'd be "This is going to be fantastic, I can do this!" and the next day I would be like "What am I thinking? I'm crazy! This will never work!" to find the very next day I was all "Yes, this is what I'm meant to be doing! life is wonderful!" then plunging into "You'll never succeed you'll die a homeless!"

So I was okay on the up days, but the down days I had to concentrate on not running screaming to Then one day, Linkedin sent me a job suggestion and by goodness, it was a goodun.

I applied. I interviewed. I was physchometric'd. I was referenced. I was offered and I accepted. I have been working since Monday so, sorry about that folks, I am now working for a living instead of being a Bohemian artist .. in the suburbs. 

There is now more structure in my day, bus tickets in my pocket, co-workers in my office and a 'normal' work week. This means I have time in the weekend to do art stuff and money in my pocket to do cafe stuff. A much better (read: easier) situation. 

And I'm glad I did it! 

Now I have a 'real job' I need to get a haircut.. 


My tired: it creeps upon me. Draws up and over my bones, weighing me down into the soft darkness of sleep. Fingers try to keep purchase on keys but the dissolving sedatives are taking a more direct route.

Stupid, wonderful, cold medicine.

Put it in my mouth, swallow it down to my stomach, and watch as it makes my eye lids droop and slowly close. It takes away the words that were hanging on my fingertips, it dulls them in my brain like layers of warm, wet, tissue paper. Not one alone but layer, upon layer, until yes, there they go: my eyes close and the words are gone.