Look up - new banner!
I've had some nice comments about the new banner here at thejamjar.com which is great because I LOVE IT!
One day while I was pottering around on istockphoto.com for characatures, I found the work of André Jolicoeur's work. I emailed him about creating a character for me, for this blog. I told him a few things about myself - you know, like I love my Macbook Pro, that I like to draw and am crafty, and needed to have jars incorporated into the design somehow. I also sent him to some of my past videos - because really, does a photo capture how a person really is?
He sent through a concept sketch so we could tweak the design before he created it digitally - but it was perfect right off the bat. After creating the digital version, he polished it off and I installed in into my Squarespace template. I had to crop it a bit because of the template unfortunately, but it works. It works like AWESOME!
Working with André was a dream too. He's way, WAY more professional than I could ever be. He communicated, and honoured his promises, and was accommodating as all get out. All the things I'd like to be all the time, but I'm not. Now I want to work with him more. I keep thinking of all the things I could get him to do, and although I gave him a heads-up there will be more work coming through from me, I don't think he understands how fast my mind is collating a list of illustrations I want.