Live Blogging: Oxford St Soup Kitchen
Tonight we're having leek and potato soup. Willo phoned his mum earlier and got her awesome recipe - then he and Fox went to the supermarche to gather the ingredients. (I stayed behind to watch a documentary about the Galapagos Islands and to dog-sit) They are both now preparing the ingredients and discussing whether Frangelico or Kahlua goes better with milk. I am "live blogging" - kind of.
Willo is now constructing milky boozey drinks to decide the answer. I am helping discover the answer.
The pot is on the stove-top, with an gas flame heating it up to saute temperature for the butter to melt and release the garlic. With a wooden spoon, Willo is stirring the sizzling garlic. The room is filling with delicious aromas.
Willo and Fox are
discussing (again) about the temperature of the stock - trouble in paradise? stay tuned folks.*
Willo is now washing the leeks - he's not peeing on them (no leaking on the leeks) but rinsing the leeks with water (though, I think, if stuck on a desert island with no fresh water, own-urine to wash the leeks is gonna happen - just use less salt in the soup to compensate for the taste) toss the washed and drained leeks into the pot and mix with the buttery, garlic'y goodness. Stir and heat for 5 minutes.
Take 2 sips from Kahlua and milk (or the Frangelico with milk if you prefer - we're not racist) Everyone agrees the Kahlua and milk is pretty good. Those without this selection say they may consider switching just as soon as their Frangelico and milk has been consumed.
NEWS FLASH: Fox likes bashing up the leeks - pictures at 11pm!
Add 6 peeled, sliced potatoes to the pot. Add 4 cups of vegetable stock (liquid: don't go put in 4 cups of dry stock cos that would be yukky)
NEWS FLASH: Mr Jet McPack has joined the live blogging team. Welcome aboard JP!
Season with salt and pepper, bring to the boil, then turn down the heat and simmer the soup for 30 minutes.
After the soup has simmered for 30 minutes, the potatoes and leeks will be soft enough to mash, so do that, before pouring the mixture into a blender to puree. The mixture is green and smooth. Willo's adding some milk and cream and blending that in. Now it's time to serve. Fox prepared some lovely flat leafed parsley and she's sprinkling that on top. I'm gonna go butter some bread (I'm the butter wrangler) and now we're all going to eat our soup.
AFTERWARDS: The soup was so good - JP liked it too - he had a spoonful on a saucer (but not for long: nom nom) Thanks Fox! Thanks Willo! Thanks Mrs Willo's Mum! Thanks to you for watching! Good Soup and Good Night!
*sensationalist claptrap.