FQ TOPIC: Blogged
FQ1: Which entry in your blog is your favorite so far and why is that?
A small story about a duck and a beagle with wings. The best of the entire blog especially because of the exceptional illustration by Rosie.
Once when I painted a lot, I did a tiny work in watercolour, not bigger'n a postcard, of two large ladies swimming. The work took me about 15 minutes and I just loved it - it had come off the end of my brush perfectly. I feel that way about this little duck n' beagle story. I adore it.
FQ2: Which entry in your blog has gotten you the most attention and why do you think that is?
The Neil story. First time ever I had people outside my circle of friends visiting the Jamjar. Seemed this embarassing little incident caused a great deal of laughter in some circles. I think my hits for that day went from somewhere around 12 per day to 150.
FQ3: Which entry in your blog do you feel was overlooked and why should people have read it?
It's interesting to me that this post didn't cause any reaction what-so-ever. I thought the use of the C word might've got a few people going, and if not that then the absolute rawness of the words. Maybe I'm the only one who sees it as raw.
FQ Reveal: Which entry in your blog do you think is most indicative of who you are and what makes it so?
Because this is me: grumpy in general, grumpy at people, stream of mish: the way my brain runs and mememememe it's all about ME.