The Jamjar

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It seems all I can

It seems all I can manage to do lately is Stupid Stuff.

I shopped online and managed to buy tickets to Romeo and Juliet and grab the matinee and not the evening performance. Stupido, Michelle. Its those suckimoto dropdown lists in IE.. I have the same trouble in the Articulate and think I've grabbed one chatters name but have actually activated another. Yes, I am shifting the blame to Microsoft! It is NOT user error!!

And today, shopping at Westfield, Pakuranga. I thought we had four bags. Greg thought we had four bags. And that's the mistake that caused all the rest. That simple mistake. We bought clothes. I have to help him or he just buys things that don't suit him. They ended up in bags and I carried them. Then we went to the Library and mooched around - I looked at art books and comics while he scanned all the shelves for some particular fitness book. We left there, and went to his place. I dump the bags on his bed and say.. "I thought there were four bags" to which he agreed and we realised, given these facts, that I had managed to lose the bag with his shirts in it. Yes, I looked and yes I found my clothes, but I thought he had two more shirts and they must've been in that missing bag. So, feeling like a twit for managing to lose a whole bag, I drove back to the library to begin retracing my steps [this is a really boring story isn't it?]

I scanned the aisle at the library looking for the distinctive Farmers bag. Not seeing it anywhere, I asked at the counter, and they hadn't seen it nor had it been handed in. Next stop [but i have to get it off my chest] the foodcourt - we'd had a coffee and I thought maybe the slippery plastic bag might have fallen under the table. No, the cafe people hadn't seen it and when I asked the clearing-away people they couldn't recall it either. dang. Only other option, check at information in case one honest helpful person had rescued the bag and handed it in. Waiting in line while the woman in front of me agonised over which seats to book at The Civic (Information booth doubles as a Ticketek counter) finally, asking the boy [they're all boys when you're my age] if a Farmers bag had been handed in: he checked, no.. he phoned upstairs: no. I left my business card and he said he'd call if it was handed in. Home again to Greg's house [don't worry, it's nearly over] and feeling stupid and vaguely sick thinking I should have just had Greg throw his money into the street for all the good that shopping expedition had done him.

I decided to go home - said my goodbyes and put my hand in my pocket to get my car keys to find - they weren't there. What? they had to be there where the hell were they, then I realised.. my CELLPHONE wasn't in my coat pocket either. Holy Hell what was going on. I had NO recollection of where the hell they might be. First the Bag, now my keys and cellphone. I start swearing at myself, visibly and vocally aggitated at my stupidness. I look in his truck [I'd been driving that around] I looked in my car. I looked in the shopping bags. Nothing. Greg decides to help out and goes to look in the car. [cos we all know I can't see a bloody thing when I'm looking] and finds my keys and my phone, they'd fallen down the side of the seat, I guess they'd slide out of my coat pocket.

Well, if those were that easy to find.. what about the fourth shopping bag - we got the receipts and checked off the items [might've been a helpful problem solving step in the beginning] to find that all items were accounted for which meant - there was no Bag Number 4.

the sick feeling left my stomach and the stupid feeling remains. Hours of running around and pointless drama. Stupid Michelle, truly stupid. My mind has left me for greener pastures.