The Jamjar

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*makes a list of the

*makes a list of the things I thought of saying so i don't forget*

  • going to the airport - organised to meet Marshall at the airport. Many countries you couldn't do that because of the size of most airport complexes, but in NZ its really not so difficult, esp. with cellphones.. and if all else fails, everyone goes thru the same departure gate anyways.. but I managed to get the packet of documents to him prebooking in so he could pack them and not be lumbered with more carry-on stuff. I wished him luck and his family a good trip. I sure do hope they come back - there's no reason to think they won't but still, thats the thought I had. I bit my tongue and didn't say "you *are* coming back again, aren't you?" cos I can pretend to be grown up sometimes.

  • the kid on the chair - things that seem like a great idea at the time. Two boys, one bike, one office chair - a smooth road with a slight decline [incline - whatever]. I'm not sure how loud they were whooping but man they were having fun right up until the rope broke.

  • thinking about people leaving the country - sort of attached to the first thought. Seeing those fat bellied planes slow motioning their way out of the sky and onto the runways.. okay run WAY (its a small international airport) and knowing that wonderful feeling of leaving, of the excitement and the organisation.. and the other feeling, sometimes wonderful, of coming home and of arriving. I've spent a lot more time going to and from the airport delivering people and packages than I have actually leaving or arriving myself, and I always feel a bit sad when leaving the airport, even to the point of tears filling my eyes. Sometimes I have the excuse that someone I love is leaving. sometimes, I don't have that luxury and keep the fact I just dropped off a package to myself.

  • I'm going to see X2 again in a moment. this time with a gaggle of boys in tow - they've all seen it before too but it kicks ass (as mentioned previously) and we want to see it again. We're gonna have dinner at Burger King (their choice) and play in the arcade afterwards. this evening started off as a conversation about having chicken for dinner and ended up as David's birthday party. first though, I've had an afternoon snack of spiced toasted muffins and a cup of tea, Burger King's not my favourite food, so I'll just sing along to the 50s music and have a cup of coffee instead.

  • I was going to mention the price of tampons, but the spiced muffins have quietened my rant so you'll have to wait 28 days for the next one.