Declaration of 2015

There are lots of things I love about this time of the year. Lots of things I really look forward to.

One thing that has hopped up on my nerves early this year though is the end of year countdown. We’re counting down 2014’s best music on MTV and celebrity stories on E! and My Year on Instagram et al. All this before Christmas has even happened let alone the final week of the year.  

We’re not there yet people: calm.down*.

To distract me from these final countdowns, I'm going to jump right over Christmas, skip looking back on the past twelve months, and just get down to the business of 2015.

Rebranding resolutions

When I was living in Australia with Fox and Willo, we often wrote down our New Year resolutions. I mostly rolled my resolutions over from one year to the next, never achieving any of them. Fox would do better than me by getting quite a few of hers done, but it was always Willo who would nail his every year; usually by March.

Because of my dismal effort and the fact I'm a slow learner, I’ve decided to rebrand my resolutions into declarations. Instead of being specific with a task like “save more” or “get fit” I’m going to theme the entire year with a couple of ideas with the intention that they will soak into my life and produce some kind of output.


I am declaring that 2015 for me will be the year of :


What on earth will that even mean, Michelle?

It means I want to:

  • be the subject of my life more often;
  • be more organised about nutrition during my workday;
  • have a better relationship with sleep.

Here would be a great opportunity to share a photo of me, making my lunch, in the morning - but I’m not going to do that - have to go watch MTV’s Wonderful Christmas Time! Top 40 countdown and wait for the first day of January 2015 to make it the best year yet.


*stop watching so much television, Michelle.