On the needles

A little while ago, we started a knitting group at work. Each Thursday me and a group of knitting colleagues spend our lunch hour knitting in a lovely space on the top floor of our building at the University.

It’s so nice to have a craft break in the work-day and to see the progress of everyone’s work. We’re all at different levels of expertise and it’s a really encouraging group.

I’ve always got a few projects on the go - a side effect for someone who never finishes anything is that I’m always starting something. So my fox’s torso has been in my knitting basket for months since I cast off. I’ve had a burst of energy to get her more complete, after buying eyes and noses from Spotlight last week. Her face is on board and she’s looking more like a project that’s nearly finished.

Rough knitting and whip stitching but practice’ll make for better technique. But what a face that nose makes - just like a real one!

One more arm and two legs and she’ll be done. She’s a rough fox though as she’s the first toy project and first ‘in the round’ knitting I’ve done. I’d like to do more toys to get better at it, but my rough fox is already a beloved toy from a granddaughter who keeps stealing her unfinished body from the knitting basket.

This fox ought to have a pedometer for the number of miles she’s travelled in this basket.

Speaking of starting things, I bought instructions and materials for making a needle book at The Ribbon Rose the other day. I haven’t done embroidery-type craft in about 20 years and this project is right in my craft wheelhouse as it incorporates simple patchwork, machine quilting, and embroidery. 

Great project to dig out my vintage Debbie Mumm patchwork material.While this needle book is typically for notions used in embroidery, I hope to alter it enough to be able to keep my future sock knitting needles organised. I don’t own any yet, but have some on order with a sock knitting kit from Stray Cat Socks - yes, another project about to kick off.

What was really nice was discovering this brand of hand dyed thread for embroidery. The colours are deliciously subtly incosistent so makes for a vintage or earthy look to the finished stitch. I was really pleased that The Ribbon Rose stocked the recommended brand my gnome project called for - made it a one-stop-shop for getting this project off the ground.

Weeks Dye Works embroidery floss

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Today was Tuesday

It came after Monday, before Wednesday and now it’s nearly done. Tuesday. This week you were an annoying little shit for nearly everyone I encountered. Normally resilient, steady folk seemed unusually rattled; silly mistakes where made; patience was tested; relationships stretched. Across the work-day Tuesday seemed to be a bit over cooked and I’m pretty glad we’re almost through it.

Okay so it wasn’t the worst day I’ve ever had at work, not even half as bad, but annoying because I didn’t do something very well and ended up with a bit of a mess to sort out.

Tuesday is usually my favourite day. Work is underway and still have the week stretching out with all the possibilities of getting through the mountain of work that keeps piling onto my plate. I pretty much like everything on my plate there’s just so.much.of.it. It’s not Monday which can sometimes be a bit like trying to start an old car on a cold morning. It’s not Wednesday which is so deep in the week neither weekend is in view - a bit like being in the doldrums with only faint hope that the we’ll even make it.

I’ve been alive for 2,695 Tuesdays so I guess having one not-so-good once-in-a-while is okay. How’d yours go?