Daily bunny routines: meals

In the mornings, especially now because we’re deep into the Wintery season, the bunnies are huddled together in their hutches waiting for me to arrive to dish out breakfast before I go to work. Some mornings they get greens such as silverbeet, spinach, herbs, or cabbage, depending on what’s on hand; and they always get hay.

Lots of hay. A bale a fortnight at the moment, which is great! because hay is very good for bunnies to chew, and digest, and to have in their hutches to sleep and snuggle in.

When I get home in the evenings they get pellets and boy, do they know when it’s dinner time. Charlie heads the charge as they stampeed across the lawn towards me as I come down the back steps to measure out their dinner. 

Sometimes, before I go to bed, I take sliced apples or carrots out for the bunnies to have a late-night. I hold the plate with the sliced treat and each bunny takes a slice though they would really like more than one so sometimes, that’s what they get.

They’re really just so interesting and fun.

Pepper tucking into a silverbeet breakfast