Wednesday Matinée

THINGS A LITTLE BIRD TOLD ME from Biz Stone on Vimeo.

 Hey! Who wants to read along with me? I’m downloading this book and starting to read it this weekend. Want to Read-A-Long? Leave a comment to let me know you’re along for the ride.


Asscociated links:


Chris: .. but my favourite gourmet ice cream is the Memphis..
Michelle: Meltdown?
Chris: gooey chocolate Meltdown. It’s marketed..
Michelle: to women?
Chris: .. as the ultimate gourmet ice cream
Frazer: Do you reapply your lip gloss after you’ve finished it?

Photos from Melbourne

Smith Street, Melbourne

Charming art in a Northcote community gardenNaked for Satan roof top barMelbourne has the best bloody marys

Spending time at the Melbourne Now exhibition had me seeing installations everywhereI do love a good door - this one is in a Fitzroy back streetIs this where they store Christmas?Hosier Lane, Melbourne