Uncommonly cold

So update from the Sunday Update - I've been sick with a cold all week. I went to work this morning but after a few hours a number of people told me to go home. Apparently I looked like shit and sounded worse. I felt bad too after thinking that I was okay, turns out I wasn't quite okay enough.

It's really amazing how a cold can kick a person's arse so hard. It's called the common cold, but it's uncommonly debilitating. Yeh, there are pills you can take that can dull down the symptoms so you can 'soldier on' but really, if the cold virus has a strong grip on your system, it's going to make you stay the course and experience all the stages of its life cycle.

I am currently at the coughing lungs out stage, so I'm back to another couple of days of bed, fluids, and sleeps.

Sunday Update

I'm tired today. Staying up too late to watch a movie I could have recorded has impacted my entire Sunday.

Weekends have become hives of activity for me. Getting up relatively (for a weekend) early and packing as much into my Saturday and Sundays has been something I look forward to every week. Which is why this flat, lathargic Sunday has really annoyed me. I guess it was the shifted bedtime and late wakeup that caused it rather than some virus or whatnot. I couldn't even muster the energy to go outside and watch the bunnies. Maybe I ought to take my temperature, afterall.

Charlie checking out the vegetable tree

Mops was desexed on Friday. She's the third of four bunnies that I'm inflicting this upon. It's not a cheap nor easy procedure, but it's the responsible thing to do. The other two bunnies, Bella and Lady, have already been through the process and it's actually modified their behaviour. They aren't digging any more, nor are they so terratorial. 

Once Snowflake, the last of the girls to be desexed, is speyed I'm hoping to get the three females to live together. That'll cut the hutch count by one, which will be great. 

Tandia and Snowflake

The girls popped 'round for a fish and chip dinner. They're all pink and rambunctious; exactly the opposite of me today. 

Dylan doing a perimeter check