Retreating remotely

A few months ago I talked about forming a group with some of my talented family members called The Makers. It shaped itself around the idea of lending creative support to each other, bouncing ideas off one another, helping each other solve design problems, logistical problems etc.

At the time, we had a weekend workshop of sorts, where my sister Jo showed us how she collaged. We used mixed media and a lot of her supplies. We had a wonderful day gluing and sticking, stamping and embossing. We all had a fantastic time. Felt inspired, and creative, and produced work. It was great.

Unfinished collage - paper, glue, stamps, paint and molding putty

We all live in different places, so to do that often is difficult. Not impossible, but difficult to arrange. So, in the meantime, this weekend we had our first remote workshop. We each spent time on Saturday, between 10am and 4pm making stuff, in our own homes. We communicated via our Facebook page, and a few of us Skyped during the day (until my internet connect crapped out, actually).

It worked really well, I think. Everyone did their own thing. Everyone did as much as they could or felt like. But everyone did something. One thing. Any thing :)

photos from day of painting with watercolours, acrylics on watercolur paperpainting water colour river rocks, then painting folk art on the rocks - weird but true


Associated links:

The Makers: Workshop (previous blog entry)