Overheard: Constitutional Law

Person A: I'm thinking of studying Law.

Person B: You should talk to Person C, he studied law. Person C, you studied Law didn't you? Person A wants to study Law.

Person C: Yes, unfortunately I did study Law. Was a solicitor for two years.

Person A: Oh, really? did you ever practice?

Person C: Ah.. I practiced as a solicitor for two years. What attracts you to the Law, Person A?

Person A: Yeh, I'm thinking about Constitutional Law.

Person C: Interesting choice. So what is it about Constitutional Law that attracts you, Person A?

Person A: Constitutional Law.

Person C: Yeh, what attracts you to it?

Person A: Constitutional Law. Like.. charters and the EU and things like that.

Person C: Yes, I know what Constitutional Law is. I was wondering what attracts you to it?

Person A: I'm interested in Constittional Law.

Person C: Any specific reasons?

Person A: Ah.. what?

Faraway: Sunday

Jet vs Frog

Jet is having a lot of fun meeting new friends in the country. So far he's met an echidna, a small bat and today he met his first frog. So far, it's one for three with only the bat surcumbing to Jet's charms.

This little frog was found in the rock wall of the new herb garden. He was, and continues to be, fat and green and not afraid of curious terriers.

TV: Misfits

Are you watching this show yet? It's so great - a bit like The Inbetweeners meets Skins with a tiny dash of Shaun of the Dead - sortof.

Five young people have to do community service for anti-social behaviour (ASBO). On their first day there is a freakish storm and they are hit by lightning which cause them to develop special powers. Because this is a British show, the powers they develop are based on their personalities. For instance, one girl is tough, and doesn't care what people think of her so she develops a telepathic power to hear people's thoughts when they're thinking about her. Another becomes really invisible, after a lifetime of no one noticing him.

It's really good, has a super soundtrack, great dialogue, fantastic ensemble cast and is beautifully filmed - like watching through a tilt shifted lens or a lomo camera or other cool banana retro carry-on.