Early bird

Early bird

There is something wrong with me - I suppose this isn't news but the problem presented itself again this morning and I've decided to admit I may have a problem.

I showed up at 6:15am to check-in for my flight from Auckland to Wellington this morning. The check-in kiosks are really great,and fast and within minutes of entering the terminal, my bag was on the belt to the plane and me and my boarding pass were high-tailing it down the concourse to Whitcoulls.

Ordering a juice was the next order of the day as I waited for my boarding call. I really don't know what possessed me to check my boarding pass. I've had this flight booked since December 2010. But check it I did, and yup, sure enough there was my boarding time: 1840 hours. Yup, I thought, that's awesome. Twenty to seven for boarding, taking off at seven - on track. But I kept looking at it... why did it look wrong? Then I saw what you've already figured out: I had a PM boarding pass for an AM flight.

The help desk was extremely helpful - understanding that I am extremely stupid and quite possibly "special" she went out in her high-viz vest to retrieve my bag. I was running through the scenarios while she was gone - if I get the next possible flight, maybe I'd only miss half a day of the workshop I was booked into for the day. Re-budgeting in my head to compensate for the new ticket I would need to purchas (I had a non-transferable, non-refundable ticket) wondering how to cope with the ribbing and eye rolling I would have to endure from everyone - this isn't the first time I've done this.

When the Air New Zealand help desk woman came back, I was surprised to see she didn't have my bag. I was also surprised when the boarding pass machine cranked up and she handed me a new one.

"I've got you on the 7:20am flight, Michelle." she said "You bag has been relabeled and checked in. It's already on the plane."

Wow. I mean, wow! With all the commuters in the terminal wanting to travel to Wellington on a Monday morning I didn't think I'd get a seat until lunchtime.

I expressed my gratitude. My surprise. Credit card in hand I asked how much I owed her. She screwed up her nose a little and said "Don't worry about it."

"Really? but I don't have a refundable or transferable ticket!"

"You booked this online in December. Next time use the 24 hours after purchase to check and change what you need to. This time, we'll take care of it."

So joy of joys, I was only 15 minutes late for my workshop.

I'm going to have to employ someone to double-check all my travel tickets and, as we've already established at work, my leave applications*.


*I booked two return flights to NZ in December. Without looking at a calendar, I didn't realise there were only two days between those two trips - so I could have taken those two days leave and spent 3 weeks in NZ! I wonder if this old dog will ever learn these coordinating tricks....

Peas in a pod

Peas in a pod

Michelle: whose is the egg burger?

Greg: Amy's.

Amy: you bought me an egg burger?

Greg: yeh, the egg burger's yours.

Amy: what possessed you to buy me an egg burger, you know I hate egg burgers. I always have a hawaiian burger never an egg burger!

Greg: you always get an egg burger.

Amy: I wouldn't do that I hate egg burgers. I've spent all day throwing up why would I want egg?

Greg: I asked you if you wanted anything and you said no!

Amy: yeh cos I hate egg burgers.

Michelle: wait.. wait.. greg, you asked amy if she wanted anything and she said no, so you bought her an egg burger and now she's flipping out cos it isn't a hawaiian buger?

Greg: ...

Amy: ..

Michelle: you two deserve each other.

Melbourne Airport: Cafe Vue

Melbourne Airport: Cafe Vue

Sitting in the aisle seat aboard flight NZ126 to Auckland, New Zealand I realised I was happy. Or maybe I mistook 'happy' with 'slightly intoxicated' due to the two extra large glasses of sauvignon blanc I had at Cafe Vue before boarding.

Whatever the reason, I was in a place where I was happy enough I could even watch and at times even enjoy, watching Paul McCartney perform on Later with Jools Holland on the small inflight entertainment system. Yes, I was in that good a mood.

I always arrive early at airports where at all possible and today had been no exception. Checking in and processing through customs had been smooth enough - seems not many people were departing Melbourne on an early evening, mid-week flight so I had plenty of time to stop and experience Cafe Vue before boarding my plane.

Cafe Vue is an up-market airport cafe selling top-end takeaway food boxes designed to take on planes. With Air New Zealand's new fare structure had come a drop in quality of their on-board meal service - so I've stopped paying for it. The last few flights I've just shoved a few muesli bars into my bag, but now, with Cafe Vue's meal boxes, I can enjoy a far superior meal to my fellow passengers for the same price as I'd pay for the meal upgrade on the flight.

And it's sensationally presented; really delicious and plenty of food. For 2 course/$30 I received a gorgeous box with duck terrine, chicken breast on broadbeans, with a dijon mustard potato salad and a syrupy rum baba to finish off. The box also included a bottle of juice to wash everything down with. While the menu is set (for the week?) I did get to decide which of the delectable desserts on offer, and whichever beverage I preferred.

Recall the last meal you had on a plane - it was probably okay, but would you really pay $30 for it? I sure wouldn't. I'd rather take the discount on my fare and bring my own Cafe Vue food box on board.

Of course you can eat at Cafe Vue before boarding the plane too, their menu is interesting and so far from airport fare I'm sure airlines are going to start kicking up a stink when they notice they've got left over meals when they land at their destination.


Check out the photos thanks to Off the Spork