
My last whole day in New York. I've had sunshine, and I've had rain - today it's misty, drizzle and wonderfully atmospheric. I'm told this is a typical New York kind of day so thanks Big Apple - I appreciate your attention to detail.

Busing and subwaying it into Manhattan - I'm not an expert but I don't feel lost. Streets mark up the Island, Avenues stretch down longways. It gives a sense of direction - cities built on grids are the best! well, for those of us who have a nose for direction.


The first subway I took didn't have any indication of which station was which - and the signs on subway walls aren't as clear as in, say, London. So my first experience was of great concentration and that was annoying. Taking the F train was much easier - they have ann electronic map with next stops and that made life very easy.


The subways are grimey-looking while you're in them - clean and litter-free, but a grime covers the walls and stairs and it's really nice to get out of them. Some of the points of entry/exit are really quite nice - and generally they all have a green ball on a black pole so you can spot them from a distance.

Today I walked. I walked and walked. When I looked at the map I understood why it had felt like I had walked for the entire day - because I actually had. Manhattan is a large island - don't be fooled, people.

But it was lovely. The misty day made the light soft, and the sheen from the wet streets and low hanging mist over bare trees made for a romantic last day wondering the city. My wanderings started at Park Avenue. According to Monopoly, this is an expensive part of town. It's pretty subtle, with all the old money tucked away inside apartments climbing up off the sidewalk. Concierges guarding entrances but with a smile for everyone. I walked past a couple of schools with a few buses and a few more limousines waiting for their occupants to be discharged from the hallowed halls of learning.

Yes, it was a late start to my day.


I expected the Guggenhiem to be larger. Why, I can not tell you - but it seemed almost like a model of itself. Today was a day of new exhibits, so some of the floors weren't available to the pubic. This was good for two reasons: firstly, because of my lazy start to the day, I didn't have lot of time, so the restriction served me well and secondly because the price of entry was slashed to $8!

Look, you can call me old fashioned - I don't mind. I wanted to see the Paris and the Avant Garde exhibition. It was delightful. I enjoyed the audio-tour commentary, which whispered information about the artwork as I meandered through this wonderous building. I have loved Chagall forever and today was the first time I got to see a one, up close and for reals. And a large Miró. And Toulouse-Lautrec. And the wonderful and sometimes overshadowed, Georges Braque.

I spent some time contemplating the void but my heart was happy with the paintings I was fortunate to see.

The world was still misty when I returned to it. Strolling down 5th Avenue, learning to jay-walk properly and enjoying the world, I found myself outside the huge cube that is 5th Avenue's Apple Store.

Apple Store, 5th Avenue

If you called me old fashioned earlier, you might like to add "simple soul" to that. While the building of the Apple Store is impressive, it really is just an Apple store. It was teeming with people with their grubby fingers all over the merchandise. I found a place to sit (which wasn't easy - to find or to sit on concrete for long) and joined the wi-fi with my iPhone and coordinated the rest of my evening. I took a couple of photos then I felt I needed to leave. The very best thing (and I don't mean this in a bad way) about the store was the magical umbrella wrapping device at the door to stop rain from dropping all over the floor.

I really should have taken the subway to Union Square - but Google maps assured me it was only a 35 minute walk and I had an hour to get there. Please note people, if you not nothing else: Google maps likes quite a lot. I know I stopped at a store on the way but for only 15-20 minutes - I was still 30 minutes late meeting Kiki at the statue of Ghandi in Union Square.

We started our evening by beering and fries'ing at a local diner. Kiki's daughter Kat met us there between appointments. I've heard about this accomplished young woman since meeting Kiki a decade ago and she me (does that make sense) and this was the first time we met. Unfortunately, she couldn't stay for dinner - so Kiki and I made our way to a Japanese restaurant for tea.

Dinner was lovely, and afterwards Kiki wanted to take me to her favourite (gay) bar over in Chelsea, but first: Staples and a stationery stop.

I'm a bit nuts for stationery - so much so that going to Staples in New York was a highlight. I bought a quad pad and some batteries - and touched everything else. Kiki is very much the same, buying coloured pens and folders. We both had a ball.

Then it was off to Cubbyhole - which proved problematic as neither of the first two cab drivers believed the address Kiki supplied. As mentioned earlier, streets mark up the island, and avenues streak down the island - therefore, you might think, avenues don't meet as corners, but due to some quirky streets in Chelsea, this bar is on the corner of two avenues (or was it 2 streets?) anyway - two argumentative cab drivers later we find a third who knew exactly where he was going.


Cubbyhole was full of people - FULL of people. It's a small joint but it was packed to capacity. And, I am surprised to report: full of men. According to the few guys I spoke to, they weren't that fussy on who or what they took home - and they enjoyed the bar. As with every night we went out in New York, we met a guy. Tonight that guy's name was Warren - and he only told us that by accident. He didn't want to talk about anything personal or identifying. We met him because he accused Kiki of stealing his white bag of electronic equipment he had left on the floor while he went to the toilet. She, of course, hadn't taken it but it took some convincing. He ended up buying us drinks and spending some time chatting. It was a great bar for a small bar - the staff worked their asses off and we had a few too many beers before calling it quits.



I had great plans for today - Manhattan, MOMA, Grand Central Station - but I woke up tired, and it was raining, and I thought I'd take a day off. I sat on the couch all day, drinking cups of coffee, listening to Kiki work (she works from home) and puttering around on the internets.

What a nice way to spend a rainy Monday.

One of my plans I stuck to though: dinner at O'Barone.

Kiki and her son Ted are regulars at O'Barone on a Tuesday, so Nate was surprised to see them there tonight. I think Nate said he was from Chicago - he's been in New York for a couple of years and has a surfer dudeishness about him.

Nate is a sweet young man, and was very surprised to find that Kiki thought he was gay. He assured her he wasn't but also mused that maybe that's why he wasn't quite as successful with woman as he thought he ought to be. He is also the butt of jokes from teh kitchen staff. A couple of times during our meal we noticed he had things stuck to him - such as the label from a bacon packet or a twisted piece of grease-proof paper on a hook from his pocket. It seems that Nate has such an amazing ability to focus on the thing he is doing - like reading his book, for instance - he doesn't feel the kitchen help attaching weird stuff to him until someone in the restaurant brings it to his attention.

We stayed long past opening time, talking with Nate and drinking red wine. The short walk home to our warm beds, falling asleep as the rain pattered against the window.


Another lovely Spring day - and today we got to visit Brooklyn Museum.

A few weeks before coming to America, I attended Webstock in Wellington. Among the many wonderful speakers was Shelley Bernstein the Chief of Technology at the Museum. She talked about how they blended online tools with their museum experience - including allowing photography in the museum.

I mean: who does that? most museums say you can't even answer your cell phone let alone take a photo of a piece of art or artifact. Visiting this place instantly became a priority - I wanted to experience the museum with my iPhone and camera.

Getting to the museum ended up taking a lot longer than anticipated. We had the use of a friend's car, so opted for that rather than the Subway. Unfortunately for us, a St Patrick's Irish Day parade had decided that Sunday was a good one for closing off all the streets around Park Slope and therefore, diverted the usual route to the museum. We eventually ended up in a traffic snarl-up at Grand Army Plaza which meant we spent 45 minutes trying to move as many meters. by arthur ohm

Eventually we arrived at the museum, having parked the car and walked through the top end of Prospect Park. First real impression of the digital layer of the museum was the wi-fi was actually strong - it was the real thing - I wasn't piggy-backing on an open unsecured connection - this place is wired for good access.

Brooklyn Museum

Each room has a small notice explaining how to log into the wi-fi, ideas about how to access digital information and giving a room code. This, along with some instructions, opened up a world of information via my iPhone. I could see a gallery of important or significant objects in the room, or I could access a gallery of all the objects in the room. You might wonder why I would want to just look _at_ the objects in the room - the information via the gallery and other visitors comments adds another layer of information over the things I was seeing. I could 'favourite' any object I liked and it would be added to what others think. I could also take a photo of objects I liked and upload them to Flickr.

Besides this kind of interaction, I could also use Four Square and log in - and if I'm the Mayor on the first (or last, I can't remember now) Saturday of the month, I get a free membership to the museum. They also have Twitter accounts, blogs, and all manner of socially and digitally networked ways to keep and stay in touch with the museum. These all point to physical meet-ups and help build and maintain the community that surrounds and supports the museum and encourages visitors as curators by allowing these digital touch-points and interweavings.

Oh and the other great thing is, apart from the objects behind glass, you can touch stuff in this museum. It's about the people, you see - and it really is a human space.

Two exhibits stood out for me while I was there: Kiki Smith's and Judy Chicago's permanent exhibit, The Dinner Party.

parkslope-brownstone-megzimbeck.jpgphoto by meg zimbeck

After the museum, it was time to find somewhere to eat. Walking around Park Slope, showed me the vision of New York I've always seen television sitcoms. Rows of beautiful brownstone homes on tree-lined streets - steps leading up to beautiful double-doored residences that looked as if I'd need a hefty income to own.

It really is a beautiful, romantic part of New York. I really have got around this town - from Red Hook to Harlem, from Park Slope to Chelsea, from Queens to Park Avenue - and all the neighbourhoods change and are quite different.

A lovely day which ended with a meal of lamb from a Middle Eastern restaurant and a stroll back to the car and home to Red Hook.