
Dear Simon - I'm grabbing your Facebook comments, and your Twitter feed for Saturday night so when you are older, and have kids of your own, and you want to yell at them for walking home late at night through zombie-infested neighbourhoods, you can reminisce what it's like to be young and bulletproof :) - love from mum.

From Facebook comments:

Ow. My feet ache. My hands are leaking. My head is sore. I saw Zombies! And football Zombies! and a Zombie with a roadcone on his head. And someone that looked like Howard Moon and Vince Noir! And I got scared. And I kicked a ball around a field. And I walked 14km home I saw cops take two hoons away and went to a party. got a yohghurt! Calciyum! and went to a house that smelt like weed. And found a flag on a pole. It was blue. And drank water and sat on a couch. in hard rubbish. and stared at the stars. And couldn't pee in public fear of it being rude. and I walked upto 59/1 Pak highway and longed for memories from the house with the fishtanks. Thanks Jacob and Janelle. And met two people in Panmure! and they took me to their house and gave me more water. And then I found a burger shop that was open. The burger was yum. but it made me sick. /me finds broken shotglasses in his bag. I cut my finger. Smashed my thumb nail (I was t to do something to a speed camera.) hit my eye on a tree branch. saw a death. saved a life.

Twitter feed (reverse chronological order):

A foundry of zombies hanging at the speed camera! How am I to survive?!?! about 14 hours ago from TweetDeck

Scheet, scored a burger as big as my hand. Choice mate about 14 hours ago from TweetDeck

*tempted* there's a cop with hoons in the backseat, I'm tempted to ask for a ride but don't really want to share.. about 14 hours ago from TweetDeck

Passed a graveyard, tWas peaceful, about to walk thru panmure, I have chills already. Crud about 15 hours ago from TweetDeck

Need to pee. Stupid water from people at party. Can't pee outside, I think it might be rude.. Will hold it. Panmure bridge about 15 hours ago from TweetDeck

Just stopped at 59/1 pak hwy, my old residence. Back with Jacob and Janelle and the pacu fish... I can see the kitchen #memories about 15 hours ago from TweetDeck

As I walk on the right side of the road going home I see a bus that I possibly couldve taken home, #sadpanda. Who wants a bed(?? about 15 hours ago from TweetDeck

The party at 219 pak hway felt sorrry for me, gave me a chocolate calciyum and filled my stein with water and sent me on my way :) about 15 hours ago from TweetDeck

Glenmore rd check, who wants my computer and all associated equipment? First #handsup gets it
View Larger Map about 16 hours ago from TweetDeck

Just passed gossamer with my soccer ball , should I write an online will through Twitter? Hopefully I won't be stabbed before I get home about 16 hours ago from TweetDeck

Found a soccer ball, the 10km hike should be painless now... about 16 hours ago from TweetDeck

*sniffs* poor cat about 16 hours ago from TweetDeck

Mcdonalds gave me a free cheeseburger cause I just saw a cat get run over and that was the vest thing for me, they thought...I can't complain about 16 hours ago from TweetDeck

I start my walk home from o'hagans. This should be fun, I hope I don't get mugged. I have a cut hand and sore head. about 16 hours ago from TweetDeck

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Staying alive, no matter what occurs

I've been unwell over the last few weeks. Ever since Sydney, I've had a low-level virus that laid me off work for a few days, and kept me on the back foot until just recently. All I wanted to do during that time was either sleep, or watch Last of the Mohicans. I did both to the point Chaz threatened to get rid of the movie - I think if he knew more people on Google Wave he would have organised an intervention.

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