Up Date Sunday

What a wonderful evening. Everyone did an amazing job with their allocated recipes - from the fishcakes and duck salads to the curries, eggnets and pork hocks. We all amazed ourselves - the quality was outstanding - as good as Longrain, we reckoned except for the pork hock and caramel sauce which was, actually, *better* than Longrain's.

Thanks everyone, especially the Kincaids who hosted the evening. It was a lovely time with our accumulated Antipodean family - we really are a very lucky bunch of people to know so many adventurous cooks!

steamed pipi salad
Steamed Pipi Salad with Basil and Chilli

spiced barossa chicken with tamarind sauce
Spiced Barossa Chicken with Plum Sauce


  • Fish cakes
  • Steamed pipi salad
  • Papaya salad with coconut rice
  • Crisp duck & lychee salad
  • Grilled prawn salad with a green chilli & galangal dressing


  • Spiced barosossa chicken with plum sauce
  • Caramalised pork hock with chilli vinegar
  • Egg nets with pork, prawn, Beansprouts & cucumber relish
  • Peanut curry of grilled beef
  • Prawns stir fried with turmeric, chilli & garlic paste


  • Stickmata
  • Caipiroska

(now I'm off to see a matinee session of UP - what a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon)

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Longrain Saturday

shopping for fresh ingredients at early-morning Queen Victoria Markets

A shared meal to celebrate Craig's birthday was the goal of our efforts today which saw an early start for the Oxford Street Crew this morning - we three are not naturally morning people - so we went gently into the grey day, shopping list in hand.

We gathered all our supplies with effortless efficiency. Pipis (clams) and organic chicken from the protein section; limes, coriander and ginger from the fresh produce stalls. All manner of Thai spices and pastes were to be found across the road at the Asian Grocer. Talk about 'one stop shop' - the market and surrounds is the only way to go.

Home again to coffee and a loose plan around how we would approach the two dishes we want to take to the Kincaid's this evening.

Steamed Pipi Salad with Basil & Chili and Spiced Barossa Chicken with Plum Sauce

Fox and Willo cooking up a storm in the kitchen - Jet the Dog supervising

Jet has been very helpful - supervising is what he's best at. Right now he's keeping an eye on the palm sugar and plums being caramelised for the sauce.

The grey beginning to today gave way to the brilliant sunshine of a Spring afternoon. Our doors flung open, the apartment smells of pepper and asian spices; sweet and sours; just like a bought one.

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One dawn to rule them all

tram with the advert that says Not All Jams Are Nice In The Morning

Long day today. Up very early, but in bed at days end, as-I-type.

Today was known for its sleeting rain, howling winds, flaming bar-b-ques and street-side auctions. I still have to tell you about my new job - part of that new job today meant helping people understand the support that is out there if they have financial hardship. It's Anti-Poverty Week in Victoria, and today we shared a lot of information. I also bought a painting at aforementioned auction (I want to say "link in the dooblie-doo" but, I'm not a You Tube channel) and will show it to you when I tell you about the job - which will happen sooner rather than later (probably later - I still have to finish that last post!). OH! while at the Anti-Poverty thing (I don't know what to call it - gathering?) I took a look in an Op Shop and found three copies of Trixie Beldon books - I came *this* close to buying them but they were in such poor condition I opted for looking for better copies in other second hand book shops. I am, however, suffering severe remorse for NOT buying this amazing $10 centre-piece.

In other, unrelated but wonderful news: a son for my cousin Megan and her husband Nick; a brother to Evie. Welcome to the world, Xavier Cameron.

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