Look.. I went to the movies. Two in a row. I felt one wasn't enough. First, 4pm session of The Mummy... followed by a visit (well two really) at 9:30pm to see Deep Blue Sea. I won't go on about them here.. they are on the movie page.. but just.. you would be better off burning your ticked to Sea.. it'd be more fun.
And no groaning about the quality (or lack thereof) of the special effects a la burning ticket, its twenty to one in the morning and I am going to bed, it's the best I can do at the present time.
so my day.. I get home from the movies.. and there is a Goth sitting in my driveway. No, never mind, I don't feel like talking about it now. I will add to this tomorrow. I want to say things but.. my brain is tired.
*goes and burns the movie ticket*
Read MoreSo, I have been thinking
So, I have been thinking about my new webpage. There isn't anything there yet - well there is, a big old sandpaper asterisk - but there isn't a page there yet cos it's still in my brain. Go bookmark the site though, so that when I do get my rocks and feathers and puddles uploaded you will know where to go.
I have to use Frames (hates frames)
I have to use scanned stuff (love to scan)
I have to use tables (not a problem)
I want to use stones.
I want to use feathers.
I want to use water - puddles to be exact.
The trouble is, I don't know why I want to use these things in a webpage... and I don't know how I am going to use these things in a webpage. I just know that's what I have in my head.
::UPDATE:: you should know by now not to listen to me. The stones and feathers and water have gone out the window.. and the thought of naked men have taken their place. So it's true, finally revealed... I am in fact a male.. a man.. and naked to boot.
Today we become the Top Dogs. The First Intake of the Multimedia course comes to a close. A few of them showed up today, finishing odds and ends. Alister (the head honcho) bought them Pizza for lunch but really, it was a very quiet low key affair.
Not when we finish! We won't go out with such a whimper. When we go we will take everyone with us.. kinda like the Titanic but without the band. No.. not really, but hells teeth.. after 9 months you should have a bash of some sorts.
I took a look at my page in Internet Explorer and it looks sucky. Sooner I get the new one up and running the better.
I spoke too soon. They went to the Pub. And I did too. To the London Bar on Wellesley Street. I have been there once before. It's nice, English-style pub, not too crowded, and later in the evening, around 8pm there is a jazz band so that's cool.
I told Justin I was gonna be there by 4pm but of course I was an hour late. He was too, so that was okay it all evened out. Zoe was there of course, I was surprised Pam wasn't. Guys I recognised from the other class but has never spoken to, nice people. Just a small group but it grew as the evening wandered on. Sean and Nick came for a few drinks (well Nick was still there when I left) Ross popped in for a quick HI and BYE. Guy even showed up. As I was leaving I spotted Stu and his girl friend. It was an Okay evening.
I think I shocked (well his face showed shocked) a guy from the Computing Class upstairs. Guy asked me "so, you'd know all about cybersex wouldn't you Michelle" and I said "yup, I'm really good at it" (first look of shock appears to my left but one) "so" Guy continues "where do your boyfriends live? overseas mostly?" .. "nah, Idont have boyfriends Guy" then there was a kind of pause.. "it's been a while" I say.. *pause* "what?" I look at the shocked guy hes just.. shocked. . *laughs*
And I suppose I should say things like "I don't know what you mean" or "that's none of your business" but then.. I am not very good about playing games, and I am hopeless at taking the high ground. I am just me. Ask me a question and I will answer it.
Read MoreI went out last night.
I went out last night. I didn't want to. Ask Freya and/or Mike and they'll tell you I went reluctantly (they will probably tell you the truth in that Sue and Karen force me and I winged and bitched and YELLED at Sue when she arrived and she told me to shutthehellup) first to Karen's, (brandy and dry) then to dinner. Of course, first stop is to drive past Seymour's to see if Nigel is behind the bar (cos we all love Nigel) and yes he is.. so that's our (Karen's) decision made. We park. We enter the Restaurant/Cafe/Bar/What-have-you and Nigel who is by this time serving at a table, turns to see us single file into his quiet but very popular eatery. A smile tinkers with the sides of his mouth and he points to the door and mouths the words "get out" we laugh. He loves us really. I mean, what's not to love?
He's tall, and keeps his hair very short. He has kind hands and sharp eyes. He is the most diplomatic man on the planet, but he doesn't put up with any crap. He asked two people to leave our table because they just wandered in off the street and sat down, and he told them he was holding the table for us (at the bar, where-else) and they left in a snoot. He's fair too I spose.
So we sit down. I snuggle into my chair. I love those chairs with the wrap-around-backs. Then I realise it's not so much the back of the chair I am snuggling against as the shoulderblades of the man sitting close behind me. I turn and apologise, he smiled and suggested there was no need.
So to cut a long story short, we all had a nice time with the two men at the other table. He and I in our own little conversation and Sue and Karen ruling the other poor soul. It's so weird.. we were so close, because of the chairs, because of the turning of our heads to talk.. but we were close, and there was ease, and there was laughter, and there were a couple of personal questions because I suppose, we got to that stage. our shoulders and upper arms were touching the whole time. I didn't eat. My food arrived, I didn't touch it. Nigel put it in a doggie bag for me to take it home.
After they left, and the restaurant emptied out, Nigel came and sat with us. He has the most robust laugh. It's absolutely wonderful to hear. He puts up with Karen haranging him about golf and things. He shares his cigarettes with me because he says "we here at Seymours encourage smoking" Sue and Karen scowl and he tells me to help myself.
Is this the part where you say "I told you so" and tell me "I knew you would have a nice time" and I did, yes I did.
PS: Thanks to a question Mike asked me before I left the Articulate, "If you were an animal, what would you be?" I got some startles and some abacks/smiles/thoughtful looks and here are the answers (cept i forgot to ask the two guys)
Sue : Lion "Because I am a Leo" she says, I tell her she has no imagination.
Karen : Lion "Just cos" I tell her she is useless and unoriginal.
Nigel : Panther - I smile, "of course."
I might add that Mike wasn't as judgemental with me as I was with my dinner companions and didn't make rude comments when I told him I would be a Penguin. And the thought of me being a Penguin put a perplexed look on Nigels face, and a robust laugh to end the evening when I gave him the image (complete with gestures) of sliding around on my belly (as you would, if you were a penguin)
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