The Jamjar

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Some people really dislike Mondays. Me? I don't have such strong feelings about the beginning of my work week. Sure, the weekend could stand to be longer but hey, I'd love my whole life to be one long weekend but that's hardly realistic. So Monday ends up not being any more of a boogeyman than any other day of my work week.

These June days are getting shorter and the sun is setting earlier. Thoughts turn to food and comfort; stews and quilts; soups and heaters. It's a great time of the year for going to bed early though. Snuggling in with hot water bottles and literature, makes my bed a cosy haven. 

Look at me talking about going to bed at the beginning of another work week. Maybe I don't like Mondays after all.

This week is a short one for me. I have a full day workshop on Wednesday as part of my Women in Leadership programme. Then Friday is a "day in lieu" of hours worked on a big project the other week. I am planning a road trip to see my sister and family in Waitara. I love driving and it will be lovely to be able to mosey down there in the light of day rather than trying to drive the 375km (that's 4.5 hours in real money) after work.

How do you start your work week? Do you ease yourself into it? Or hit the ground running?

I usually have my "to do" list completed from before the weekend. I know what I'll be tackling by the time I get to work, barring any emergencies that might derail that intention. I've taken to highlighting my Top Three things to get done for the day, trying hard to make sure one of them is in service to one of my Big Rock Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) - otherwise I'd never make a dent in them. My day is full to over flowing so without conscious effort for those KPIs I promised at the beginning of the year, I'd never get them done. 

This short week will need to have me on all my toes - so let's get this party started!

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