Meme: Page 123
A Blog meme is a jumpstart idea for blog content. It's not only great for bloggers (like me) who don't have a lot to say off their own bat (these days) while also being a chance to have some outward (and then hopefully *inward*) links - making the blog-net a stronger uahm.. web! ties that bind and all that jazz.
Yeh right so maybe Search Engine Optimisation isn't high on the list of priorities around but some people care about it, you know?
I haven't seen any memes that made me want to participate for a long time - actually I haven't really noticed any memes full stop - until I stopped by one of my oft-haunts Hello, Stranger to find a sweet book meme called Page 123.
Like all truly good memes, it's simple: reach for the closest book to you right now, open it up at page 123, go to the 5th sentence, then blog the next three. Simple!
Walking to the car, she takes his hand and puts it, for a moment, lightly between her moving legs. Roger's heart grows erect, and comes. That's really how it feels.
Page 123, Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon
Like Barb, I'm doing two, because I'm the boss of this blog and I do what I please! Plus, while Gravity's Rainbow is written in the most beautiful, musically long comma'd sentences, the three on page 123 are short! crazy-go-nuts. So I give you Jamie Oliver as well - his new cook book is just fantastic and I recommend it highly as a jolly good read!
The classic combination is garlic, lemon zest and flat-leaf parsley, all chopped together really finely. It can be sprinkled over stews, broths, soups or pasta dishes at the last minute. It really brings a dish to life.
Page 123, Jamie at Home by Jamie Oliver
I don't tag - never really cared for it so meh, not gonna tag the 5 People the meme suggests. But if you like the look of this meme, give it a go. Even if you don't have a blog - why don't you see what's happening on page 123 of the book closest to you right now - it's kinda nice to dip into a snippet like that.
PS: I was asked at last night at dinner if I had a "My Face online" which I thought was adorable.