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Your lucky number is 3.14159265
Your secret name is Squeeze
Your special emotion is skeptical faith
The garage sale item you most resemble
is an old but beautiful and sonorous accordion
with a broken key
Your holiest pain comes from your ability
to sense other people's cracked notions about you
Your special time of day is the moment
just before the mist evaporates
The shape of your life is oval with soft dark sparks
Your lucky phobia is epienopopontonphobia,
or fear of crossing the wine-dark sea
Your power spot is here and there
The flavor that identifies you most
is grapefruit smeared with honey
ARIES (March 21-April 19):Studies show that if you're
normal, you're in a weird mood ten percent of the time. You have
a bad hair day five times a month and you say something you
shouldn't at least once a week. But all this could change, Aries. If
you align yourself with the exuberant cosmic mojo that's
currently accumulating in your vicinity, your bouts with off-
kilter emotions may shrink dramatically. Your coiffure
problems and your tendency to misspeak would also diminish.
Ahhh, but could you bear that much happiness and well-being?
Would you feel at a loss without the higher levels of discomfort
that normally keep you motivated? Would you dare to explore
the mysteries of cheery sweetness? The answers to these
questions will soon be revealed. You are about to be tested.