Legends of the Seas is
Legends of the Seas is in port again. It's such a huge cruise ship. It is moored next to the Hilton and dwarfs it. As my Ferry came into port we turned to back in under the cliffs of the cruiser. The tiny ant people power walking around the top deck didn't even notice us.
Rachelle's left the country - late yesterday afternoon. Drinks on Friday went well enough. I'm certainly not complaining about sitting with bright witty people drinking beer and watching the cricket, although Ra was seeing as she doesn't like either. She had a good time though and looked fabulous. After Mad Dogs we went along to Lenin in the Viaduct. I've seconded Ure (ra's brother) to be my new drinking buddy and scared the barman at Mad Dogs so much with my "advanced tactical flirting" that I doubt he'll ever come near me again. Ah well, just another Friday night. Phil took me home around 2:30am.
The weekend was quiet - the weather was quite warm. A bit of shopping on Sunday for computery bits and pieces and some makeup made for quite a quiet two days even if they did seem very short. Luckily we have Waitangi Day on Wednesday so its another short week. Yay.