I was thinking, about
I was thinking, about the movies, while at the movies.. Go to be exact, (liked it btw, would recommend a visit, who would have thought the Road to Avonlee would have led to Ecstacy) but I was thinking, about how to get to go to the movies with other people.
And I wondered how a personal advert would work. Just to get a group of people, one or two or six, who would meet like once a week, say a Tuesday, to see a movie. Same theatre, same time, what ever was showing, good or bad.. and maybe a coffee later but not necessarily.
Would that be geeky? or desperate? Wonder what sort of people would respond to that advert, I mean, I can't be the only person in the area going to the flicks on my own. Perhaps I might be the only normal person going to the flicks on my own, then again, they all might be just like me... love movies, no friends.
Well yes I know I have friends but not moviegoingfriends I don't.
And then, is this just fooling myself into a kind of 'Dinner for Six' thing, something I have made my nonmoviegoingfriends swear they will terminate my lifeforce if I ever seriously consider? Nah, I just want someone to sit next to in the theatre and say stuff like "god I hate Julia Roberts" or make those "ooo arh" noises when James Woods gets close ups.
Do you think there are six people out there in the local vacinity who would put up with me once a week?
...and I am falling so fast and so fast and so fast, it's breathtaking.. and wonderful.. and crazy...